Carpenter Pest Exclusion

Carpenter bees & carpenter ants destroying your home

carpenter bees and carpenter ants

Are carpenter bees and carpenter ants destroying your home? You may have heard or termites or wood boring beetles but have you heard of carpenter bees and carpenter ants?
Carpenter, bees and carpenter ants do not eat wood like termites. But carpenter, bees and carpenter ants will bore into the wood to make nest or to lay their larva. Carpenter, bees and carpenter ants are considered wood destroying organisms and should be eliminated as soon as possible before they do structural damage to your home.

For Carpenter Bee, you may see wood shavings and circular holes in common areas such as rafter tales and facia boards. They also will infest fences and gates.

Carpenter Bee & Carpenter Ant Treatment

Carpenter ants are notorious for infesting attics and roofs, often causing significant structural damage if not addressed promptly. These resilient insects typically originate from nearby trees or old telephone poles, finding their way to your home via branches or power lines that make contact with your roof. This pathway provides them with easy access to the interior of your property, where they can begin to create extensive networks of tunnels and nests.

The activity of carpenter ants is particularly noticeable during the spring and summer months when they are most active in foraging and expanding their colonies. Homeowners should be vigilant during these seasons, as early detection and intervention can prevent substantial damage to the structural integrity of their homes.

Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to avoiding long-term damage. Ignoring the presence of carpenter ants can lead to weakened wooden structures, resulting in costly repairs down the line. Additionally, the sight of carpenter ants may be an indicator of other wood-destroying organisms lurking within your property.

If you suspect that your home is being invaded by carpenter ants, carpenter bees, or any other wood-destroying pests, it is essential to seek professional assistance immediately. Our expert team at Nature Pacific Pest is equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively identify and eradicate these pests. Don’t wait for the damage to escalate—request a comprehensive inspection and treatment today to ensure the safety and longevity of your home. Contact us now for a prompt and thorough solution to your pest problems.

A Piece of Mind

At Nature Pacific Pest, we don’t just offer solutions; we provide peace of mind. We’re here to protect your home and ensure it remains a safe and comfortable sanctuary. If you’re in Sebastopol or the surrounding areas, trust us for your pest control needs, whether it’s inspections, treatments, or ongoing maintenance. Your satisfaction and the well-being of your home are our top priorities.



Don’t wait another day. Call or email us today about your pest problem. Our team members have decades of experience in both Sonoma County and Marin County.